Membership Form
Become a Member
We hold monthly meetings at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Willamalane Adult Activity Center, 215 West "C" Street, in Springfield, Oregon 97477. Guests are always welcome. Please note that there is no meeting in August (club picnic instead) and December (holiday party instead).
As shown below, we have very modest membership dues and, as a member, you will receive our monthly newsletter listing upcoming club trips (you must be a member to attend) along with a detailed calendar for other interesting upcoming rock & mineral events by other organizations.
The membership year runs from Dec 1st through Nov 30th.
New Membership Annual Dues:
$15 per person
$20 per family : 2 adults, unlimited junior members (<18) additional adults $5/year
Returning Membership Annual Dues:
$10 per person
$15 per family : 2 Adults, additional adults $5/year
Join or Renew ONLINE:
There are Two parts to applying online. Below are links to a google form to fill out, once you submit that you will be presented with a link to the payment page (via PayPal, venmo, or Debit/credit card ) Please be sure to complete both parts.
New Members, Please fill out the form by clicking here
(if you were a member more than a year ago, you need to fill in the New Member form with your contact info. You can email us if you don't need new name badges)
Renewing Members: Click here for the payment page and select the correct amount
(Let us know if your payment email is different than your club email so we can know who paid!)
Join via the Mail or In Person:
(Download the Membership Application)
Please Download the fill-able pdf application, fill it out and print it. Attach payment and mail it to the Club address or bring it to a monthly meeting.